
How to install Podman Desktop on Linux

Hello, friends. After a long time, Podman Desktop for Linux is now available. Now, yes, Podman continues to consolidate as the main alternative to...

How to install Julia programming language on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Julia programming language. Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing. That's...

Enabling exFAT support on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. exFAT file system is a worthy successor to FAT32 and can be quite useful in many ways. Well, today you will learn...

How to install Kotlin on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Kotlin on Ubuntu 22.04. This modern language is intended to replace Java in...

How to use the nohup command in Linux

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to use the nohup command on Linux. Let's get started. Introduction In general, the nohup command allows...

How to install GRV (Git Repository Viewer) on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install GRV (Git Repository Viewer) on Ubuntu 22.04 This terminal tool can be an...

How to install Jekyll on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. The web is incredibly important. That's why today, you will learn how to install Jekyll on Ubuntu 22.04. This tool is a...

How to install SQLite on CentOS 9 Stream / Fedora 36

Hello friends. We already know that CentOS 9 Stream / Fedora 36 is a system desired by many developers to do their work. That's...

How to install Hyper Terminal on Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21

Hello, friends. We already know that on Linux, the terminal plays an important role in the system. That's where many professionals spend most of...

How To Install Plausible Analytics on Ubuntu 22.04

Plausible Analytics is an open-source, self-hosted web analytics application written in Elixir that focuses on privacy and mainly simplicity. You can track your...

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