Bash scripting(III)

This is the third article of a series focused in Gnu Bash scripting. On the first article we’ve just created a simple script with...

Do you need to manage your money properly? Install Akaunting on Debian 11!

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Akaunting on Debian 11. Thanks to it, you will be able to manage...

Top 5 opensource firewalls that secure your network

Introduction What can come among the top 5 open source firewalls? Yes, this I was thinking of! Of course, there are lots of services...

Install Pydio With Ubuntu 21.04

Introduction Pydio is an open-source file-sharing platform. file-sharing can be a challenge if things are not taken care of properly. Keeping data intact while sharing...

5 Step Nginx contains podman easy

Introduction Nginx contains podman is an accessible, open-source, high-performance HTTP server, reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server. NGINX is known for its high performance, stability,...

How To Install And Use fd Command In Linux

Introduction Hi guys, there is an alternative command for find command – fd â€“ which has some additional features, including friendlier colorized output, faster search speed, and...

How to Show Asterisks While Typing Sudo Password in Linux

Introduction On the Linux terminal, when a user runs the sudo command to get the super user privileges, for sure will be asked for a password, but...

Display Command Output or File Contents in Column Format

Introduction This article will show you how to display command output or a file content in a column format to clarify and demonstrate the...

Easy installation of smokeping monitoring tool in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Introduction In network and system administration profession, it is very important to monitor your infrastructure. Smokeping is one of the best open source icmp/ping monitoring...

Apache Tomcat container with Podman

Introduction The Apache Tomcat container software is developed in an open-source and participatory environment under the Apache License version 2. The Apache Tomcat project is intended...

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