How to Install Google Drive on Ubuntu 20.04

In this article, We will show you how to install Google Drive on Ubuntu systems. Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Launched on April 24,...

Setup Nginx Virtualhosts on CentOS 8

In the previous post, we explained how to create Apache virtualhost on CentOS 8. This time it is the turn to do the same...

Top 10 FTP Clients For Linux

Welcome back! Let's discuss what could the top 10 FTP Clients for Linux? FTP is a day-to-day required tool/service for Linux users. In...

Set up Apache Virtualhosts on CentOS 8

Hello, friends. In this post, we will show you how to set up Apache virtualhosts on CentOS 8 / Rocky Linux 8. It is...

How to use “Yum history” to find out installed or remove packages

Hello, friends. Yum is one of the most important package managers out there because of things like Yum history. So, we will use yum...

TOP 5 Linux OS For Old Computers

 The topic of discussion today is what may be the top five Linux operating systems for old computers? With high-speed computing becoming more and...

Install Sandstorm on Ubuntu 20.04

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Sandstorm on Ubuntu 20.04. According to Sandstorm website Sandstorm is an open source platform for...

How to install php-oci8 on Ubuntu

OCI functions allows access to Oracle databases, but, at least in Ubuntu, aren't included in the default PHP installation. This article will show you...

TOP 6 Linux Distro for Gaming

Introduction How can Linux compete with Windows for gamers' attention? This can be a difficult question to answer. Why don't we look at each option...

How To Disable ETag in NGINX

Hello, friends. We continue with this little round of Nginx tutorials and tricks. This time, we will explain how to disable ETag in Nginx....

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