How to Monitor Linux Server and Metrics from Browser using Scout Realtime

Introduction In this article we will show how to monitor your Linux system and some of its metrics by using a simple server monitoring tool...

How to Install Webmin on CentOS Linux

Introduction Keeping an eye on your system’s performance is one of the essential tasks that any Linux user should undertake from time to time.This helps...

How to Install Syslog Server and Client (Centos8)

What Is Syslog Server? System log servers are used to collect syslog messages in a single location. A syslog server might be a physical server,...

Terminal Pagers

A terminal pager, or paging program, is a computer program used to view (but not modify) the contents of a text file moving down the file one...

RPM Commands

INTRODUCTION RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is an default open source and package management utility for Red Hat systems like (RHEL, CentOS and Fedora). The tool allows you install, update, uninstall, query, verify and manage system...

How to Download, install and configure Zabbix 5.0 on Centos 8/RHEL 8

Zabbix is a open source monitoring tool which keeps an eye on various IT components such as network, servers, Virtual Machines in real time....

Install and Configure Fail2ban on CentOS 8

Servers  exposed to the internet are at very high risk of malware attacks. There are a number of measures you can take to ensure you...

Rich Rules of Firewalld on CentOS / RHEL8

Rich-Rules - As of now we have discussed about regular zones and services syntax that firewalld offers, Administrators have more options for playing with...

Install NMAP on CentOS 8

Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is an open source tool for network exploration and security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it...

How To configure TIG ( Telegraf + InfluxDB+Grafana) on centOS 8

TIG stack is one of the most popular monitoring tools available. This stack is used with different data sources avaialble on operating system(linux, window), with...

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