
How to install webmin on Debian 11

Hello, dear friends. In this post, we will talk a little bit about Webmin on Debian 11. This will be the first of a...

Install Fail2ban on Debian 11

Hello, friends. In this post, we will help you to install Fail2ban on Debian 11. Thanks to this tool you will be able to...

How to install and use SAR command (to Monitor system Performance) in Linux

Introduction System Activity Report (sar) is a Unix System V-derived system monitor command used to report on various system loads, including CPU activity, memory/paging, interrupts, device load, network and swap space utilization. Sar...

Monitoring bandwidth on Linux with Nethogs

Hello, colleagues. It is the task of any computer scientist to know how to manage the bandwidth of a computer. Especially if this computer...

How to use systemctl in Linux

Unix-based operating systems give you flexible tools to manage your OS and its related services smoothly. And it's our responsibilities as administrators to monitor...

Ncat Linux command

Hello friends. Knowing the Linux terminal and its commands is a basic task of any sysadmin or DevOps. Therefore it is always good from...

How to KILL a process on Linux

Introduction To get full use of your system you must watch what's going on and monitor the utilization of the system. Linux is not a perfect...

How to use TOP command

Introduction Administrators should know what processes are running and the consumption of each of them. That's why you need tools to help you to monitor your...

How to use PS command

Introduction Using a system without monitoring what's happening in the background is not a good thing to do -especially in Linux- because as a result,...

How to Install Graylog Server on Ubuntu 21

Graylog is an open source tool for Log Management. It consists of Elastic Search, MongoDB and Graylog. Graylog can be used to analyze logs...

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