How to install Dotnet in Rocky Linux 8 / Alma Linux 8

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Dotnet on Rocky Linux 8 / Alma Linux 8 Let's get to it. What...

How to Install Yclas on Debian 11

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install YClas on Debian 11. YClas is a web application created with PHP and open...

How to install the latest kernel on Debian 11 and derivatives

Hello, friends. Although it is not recommended to do so, it may be useful to know how to install the latest kernel on Debian...

Security Auditing with Lynis

This post is about Security Auditing with Lynis Introduction I originally intended to write about how to secure a server/workstation system. However, I changed my mind...

How to install Rundeck on Ubuntu/Debian Servers

This post is about how to install Rundeck on Ubuntu/Debian Servers Rundeck is a free open-source tool for automation services. It is a very useful...

Setting up Etherpad on Debian

The following article assumes you are already familiar with what Etherpad is. If thatisn't the case, then the wikipedia article should suffice for a...

Network Bonding in Alma Linux

Introduction It is a common requirement to be able to combine network interfaces into a logical interface to achieve better redundancy and possibly higher throughput....

How To Install MusicBrainz Picard on RHEL | CentOS | Rocky Linux

In this guide, we will show you how to install MusicBrainz on RHEL | CentOS | Rocky Linux systems MusicBrainz Picard is a free and open-source software application for...

How to convert JPG images to PDF using the terminal

Hello, friends. The terminal is a great Linux tool. With it, we can do many things and if we install other programs we can...

How to install ArangoDB on Debian 11

Hello, friends. In a recent post, we explained how to install ArangoDB on CentOS and derivatives. Today we will install ArangoDB on Debian 11...

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