How to install HAProxy on FreeBSD

how to install haproxy on freebsd and configure to use it as a reverse proxy

How to Install LEMP WordPress Ubuntu and Debian With Virtualhost

Introduction LEMP is the acronym for Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. This tutorial is to host WordPress on the LEMP stack. Install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04.2...

How to install Zellij (terminal multiplexer) on CentOS 8

Introduction Zellij, a new terminal multiplexer written in Rust. So, In the next article we are going to take a look at Zellij. This is a...

How to Install Laravel PHP Framework with Nginx on CentOS 8

Introduction Laravel is an open-source, well-known, and modern PHP-based web framework with expressive, elegant, and easy to understand syntax which makes it easy to build...

How to install Ajenti Control Panel on CentOS 8

Introduction Ajenti is a web-based control panel for managing systems (like Webmin, cPanel). in addition to, It has a very beautiful and user-friendly interface. For...

How to Install CSF (Config Server Firewall) on CentOS 8

Introduction CSF is a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers. t consists of the firewall itself (CSF) which is...

How to install Reveal.js on Ubuntu

Introduction reveal.js is an open-source HTML presentation framework. It’s a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations...

Migrating from Apache to Nginx on FreeBSD

how I migrated from apache to nginx

How to Install WordPress manually Using cPanel

Introduction WordPress (WP) is a widely used content-management system.Its ease of use, numerous themes, and plugins, as well as strong community support, have made it...

How to Install cPanel-WHM on CentOS 8

What is cPanel? cPanel is a popular, secure, and effective commercial control panel for web hosting services. It includes many features and can be used...

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