How to install Gitnuro on Debian / Ubuntu? – New Git client for Linux

Hello, friends. We've touched on the topic of Git clients before, but today we bring you another one that promises to give us a...

Install XAMPP in Linux

XAMPP stack is an open source Apache Distribution consists of cross-platform software (X), Apache (A), Maria DB (M), PHP (P) and perl (P). Developers...

Linux Repository Management using mrepo

mrepo is used for managing repositories from ISO image. It also downloads updates packages from third party repositories. You can also use this utility...

How to install Nextcloud desktop client on Linux

Hello, friends. One of the most emblematic open-source applications is Nextcloud. This fabulous tool allows you to deploy a private cloud in a matter...

How to install Wine 7 on Debian 11 – Run windows apps on Linux easy

Hello, friends. This is a short post that may be useful to both sysadmin and many desktop users. Today, you will learn how to...

How To Install Rclone on Linux – manage files on cloud storage easily

Hello, friends. The backup issue is always critical to keep our data safe in case of loss. So in this post, you will learn...

Install and use WPscan (WordPress security scanner) in Linux

Introduction WPScan is a free, for non-commercial use, black box WordPress security scanner written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of...

How To Find The List Of Installed Repositories in Linux

Introduction In this tutorial, we will show you how to list the installed repositories in Linux. We can find the list of all enabled or even...

Monitoring bandwidth on Linux with Nethogs

Hello, colleagues. It is the task of any computer scientist to know how to manage the bandwidth of a computer. Especially if this computer...

How to find duplicate files in Linux

Hello, friends. Working in the terminal is common for all of us who work with Linux servers. However, in between uses, there may be...

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