Dolphin Emulator on Centos

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Dolphin Emulator is a free and open-source video game console emulator for GameCube and Wii that runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Series S.

Dolphin Emulator is an open-source emulator for GameCube and Wii games. It is easily the most popular and best-supported emulator for the console on Linux.

Dolphin had its inaugural release in 2003 as open source for Windows. Dolphin was the first GameCube emulator that could successfully run commercial games. After troubling development in the first years, Dolphin became free and open-source software and gained Wii emulation support. After, the emulator was ported to Linux and macOS.

Finally, as mobile hardware got more powerful over the years, running Dolphin on Android became a viable option.

Dolphin has been well received in the IT and video gaming media for its high compatibility, steady development progress, the number of available features, and the ability to play games with graphical improvements over the original consoles.


To install Dolphin Emulator on CentOS, we are going to download the tar file from their website and run it from there. First, let’s install all of the dependencies needed to compile the Dolphin Emulator on CentOS 7.

You will want to run these commands as root.

Once all the dependencies are installed, we can download and compile the source code. Make a folder where you’d like to keep your emulators (we use /opt/emulators). Go into that new directory and download the dolphin-master tarball with wget or curl. We’re using wget here.

# mkdir /opt/emulators

Then, extract the files using tar -xzf dolphin-master*

tar -xzf dolphin-master*

Now you’re ready to configure and make Dolphin! Let’s make a build folder (mkdir build) then cd into that folder (cd build). Once there we’ll configure it with cmake.

# cd /opt/emulators
# mkdir build

Fedora has a package repository with the latest versions of Dolphin, so download and install it by running the following commands.

If you already have the package downloaded, you can install it by giving the relative path to the file. To start Dolphin, run dolphin-emu in a terminal. Dolphin will scan your system for games, which will appear under the Games tab. Right-click on a game and select Open containing folder to access that game’s data.

You can also configure Dolphin in a variety of ways. Click on Config > Options to open the configuration window and make your changes, then click OK to save them. For more information on how to use Dolphin, see the official documentation available online or via the built-in help system.

You can run Wii games on your Centos machine using this emulator.

The alternative is using snap.

Enable snapd

Snap can be installed on Fedora from the command line:

sudo dnf install snapd

Either log out and back in again, or restart your system, to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.

To enable classic snap support, enter the following to create a symbolic link between /var/lib/snapd/snap and /snap:

sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

Install Dolphin Emulator

To install Dolphin Emulator, simply use the following command:

sudo snap install dolphin-emulator

Download games wii games from the Dolphin site.

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