
Limit usable memory size in Linux

Sometimes for one reason or another it is necessary to limit the size of usable memory on Linux. Although not very frequent, it can...

Using the find command to exclude files for the searching

Hello, friends. In this short post, I will help you to use the find command to show hidden files but excluding a specific file. The...

Enabling exFAT support on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. exFAT file system is a worthy successor to FAT32 and can be quite useful in many ways. Well, today you will learn...

How to use the nohup command in Linux

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to use the nohup command on Linux. Let's get started. Introduction In general, the nohup command allows...

How to run scripts without typing the full path?

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn How to run scripts without typing the full path? So, you can use these scripts as...

How To Install OpenSCAP on Ubuntu 20.04 | 22.04 LTS

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install OpenSCAP on Ubuntu systems. The OpenSCAP ecosystem provides multiple tools to assist administrators and auditors with...

How to install Apache Hadoop on Ubuntu 22.04

Today you will learn how to install Apache Hadoop on Ubuntu 22.04 Apache Hadoop is an open-source software which is used to store, manage and...

How to fix “dd unrecognised operand error” when trying to create a bootable USB

One of the useful commands in disk management is the dd command. This command also allows you to quickly and easily make bootable drives...

How to install WordPress using WP-CLI on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install WordPress using WP-CLI on Ubuntu 22.04 The process is simple, so let's go...

How to change the timezone in Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21

Hello, friends. In this post, simple and for beginners, you will learn how to change the timezone in Ubuntu 22.04 | Linux Mint 21 The...

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