
Using SSH Keys

Introduction SSH supports authenticating users with keys. Although they require more setup ahead of time, they're generally more secure than typing in passwords. They're also...

Basic Setup of AppArmor on Arch Linux

Introduction Apparmor is an LSM (Linux Security Module) that allows us to restrict applications' capabilities with per-program profiles. It supplements the traditional Unix Discretionary Access...

SSH Tips and Tricks

Today I will shoy some SSH Tips and Tricks SSH Tips and Tricks The following articles lists some of the various tips and tricks I have...

Using Chroot in OpenSSH

Introduction OpenSSH provides many features to harden a SSH server. One of them is the ability to restrict a SSH user session to within a...

Kubernetes cluster using K3S with Canonical’s Multipass

This is another Kubernetes-related notebook entry in which I will document the procedure for setting up a Kubernetes cluster using K3S in virtual machines created with...

Hardening SSH Configuration

This post is about Hardening SSH Configuration Introduction SSH has become the standard tool for remote management of UNIX-based systems. The SSH daemon (sshd) is installed...

Security Auditing with Lynis

This post is about Security Auditing with Lynis Introduction I originally intended to write about how to secure a server/workstation system. However, I changed my mind...

How to install Mega Client on Ubuntu Server 20.04

Hello, friends. Many people don't know about Mega, which is a cloud storage service based in New Zealand. One of its main attractions is...

How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Nginx

Hello, friends. In this short but useful post, you will learn how to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Nginx. This is to force us...

Setup Nginx Virtualhosts on CentOS 8

In the previous post, we explained how to create Apache virtualhost on CentOS 8. This time it is the turn to do the same...

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