rkhunter (Rootkit Hunter) is is an open-source Unix/Linux based security monitoring and analyzing tool. It is a shell script which carries out various checks...
Shoutcast is proprietary software that is being used to stream media over the Internet, especially used in music live streaming by the radio stations on...
Head : is built in command on unix systems or unix-like operating systems Like :
386BSD.Arch Linux.AIX.Android.BSD NET/2.Debian.DragonFly BSD.GNU Hurd.
Usage : used to display...
Overlord provides a python-based console CLI which used to build Red Teaming infrastructure in an automated way. The user has to provide inputs by...
tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window.
The cache is often the most critical piece of software for a web-based business.
Varnish Cache is a popular – and powerful – open source...
Streamlit is the fastest way to build and share data apps.
It is an open-source python library designed to create custom web applications for machine learning...
Ruby on Rails® is an open-source web framework written in Ruby. It helps you create highly powerful web sites and appls.
Rails is released under...