
How to Install Varnish with Apache on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. We already know that Apache is one of the best web servers out there. But there are always tools to improve it...

Learn how to save disk space by clearing APT cache

Hello, friends. In this short post, you will learn a fabulous trick that allows you to save disk space, and that is to clean...

How to Clear RAM Memory Cache & Buffer & Swap Space on Linux

In this guide, we will talk about how to clear RAM memory cache and issues which  occur in the Linux and if you...

Install a Redis server on Debian 11

Hello, friends. In this post, we will install a Redis server in Debian 11. For this, we will use the Debian repository that provides...

How to Install OPcache on Debian

In this guide, we will walk you through the installation of the Zend OPcache in Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Mint. OpCache is...

Install Varnish Cache for Apache on CentOS 8

Introduction The cache is often the most critical piece of software for a web-based business. Varnish Cache is a popular – and powerful – open source...

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