we need to know although redhat provide open source software products for enterprises but it have payment subscription to install packages and updates in RedHat Enterprise Linux distribution and that supports diverse workloads in physical, virtualized and cloud environments , RHEL editions are available for servers, mainframe, SAP applications, desktops and OpenStack.
So What is the problem now
Now if i don’t have the ability to pay for packages and updates installation that will prevent me to use distribution especially for new learners and if our environment prevent some of servers or services to be connected to the internet and keep important data internally , so all this problems must be solved and we brought the best and the easiest solution .. let’s go .
What is Local Repo ?
local repo is a simplification of local repository and that is place have information of all packages and updates that the package manger used it for installation and resolving dependencies so Local Repo is local place in your device have all packages and updates instead of connecting to the internet you have the ability to do that .
How to create Local Repo ?
- First you need the full DVD of Redhat Enterprise Linux , you can download it from RedHat.
- Connect it to your Devices as shown below.
- open you terminal and write the following command mkdir /var/YourLocalRepoName
mkdir /var/unixcop
- copy the APPSTREAM to your LocalRepo directory
Hint : APPSTREAM Packages provide additional features and functionality (Dependencies).
cp -r /run/media/root/RHEL-8-1-0-BaseOS-x86_64/AppStream /var/unixcop/
Hint : you should edit the name of you DVD depending on the version you installed , in my case the DVD name is RHEL-8-1-0-BaseOS-x86_64
- Copy the BaseOS to your LocalRepo directory
Hint: BaseOS Packages implement the base core functionality of the operating system.
cp -r /run/media/root/RHEL-8-1-0-BaseOS-x86_64/BaseOS/ /var/unixcop/
- You need to create configuration file to allow your package manager to resolve from LocalRepo not from subscription
- Also create configuration file using any text editor with ” name.repo ” extension , i will use vim
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/unixcop.repo
- Put he configuration on your config file and just in your case edit the directory name /var/YourDirName/
- Save and let’s check.
The article clarify the best alternative for RedHat Enterprise Linux Subscription and after following this steps you can build your own Local Repo.