Check The Timezone in Linux

Introduction In this small guide, I will explain how to check timezone in Linux using 4 Easy Methods. System time is usually defined by timezone....

How to Add Password to Protect a Vim File in Linux

Introduction Vim a contraction of Vi IMproved) is a free and open-source, screen-based text editor program for Unix Vim is a popular text editor for...

The Best Ways to Know Which Process Listening on a Specified Port

Introduction A port is a communication endpoint. At the software level, within an operating system, a port is a logical construct that identifies a specific...

How to automate daily jobs on Linux using (at)

Introduction First we need to know everyone does the same specific task everyday manually and that may waste a lot of time especially when we...

How To Configure Apache Webserver with Debian 11

Here, we will learn to install Apache webserver with Debian 11. In the previous article, we learned to install the LAMP stack with Debian...

How To Configure LAMP with Debian 11

Today, we will discuss how to configure LAMP with Debian. The LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and Linux. We will understand all of...

Testing The Load of Web Servers with Siege Benchmark Tool

Introduction Siege is an open source regression test and benchmark utility. It can stress test a single URL with a user defined number of simulated...

Install Prometheus and Node Exporter on CentOS / RHEL 8

Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting. It records real-time metrics in a time series database built using a...

Microservices with Python3

Introduction They were interested in microservices. How can microservices use them for increased agility and scalability? Microservices are architectural style and pattern structures which application as...

Hardening filesystem Centos/RHEL 8

Introduction Linux has continued used for many years beyond multiple industries and offers customizable and versatile systems. It is, therefore, essential that computers, servers, and...

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