How to install gtop (System Monitoring Dashboard) on Linux

Introduction gtop is a tool which reads information about processes and the state of the system in dynamic mode. As its name, we can think...

Install and use Fish shell in Linux

Introduction Fish Shell stands for friendly interactive shell which is fully-equipped, smart and user-friendly command-line shell that supports a lot of handy features unlike any...

How to install Ajenti Control Panel on CentOS 8

Introduction Ajenti is a web-based control panel for managing systems (like Webmin, cPanel). in addition to, It has a very beautiful and user-friendly interface. For...

How to Install PuTTY on Linux

Introduction PuTTY is a free and open-source cross-platform SSH and telnet client that even after being around for over 20 years remains one of the most popular SSH clients being...

How to install and use Pigz tool in Linux

Introduction Pigz is an acronym for Parallel Implementation of GZip. It’s a compression tool that helps you compress files with blazing fast speeds. As an improvement of the good old...

How to Install Latest NodeJS and NPM in Linux

Introduction Nodejs is a lightweight and efficient JavaScript platform that is built based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and NPM is a default NodeJS package manager. You can use it...

How to install Diskonaut on Linux

Introduction diskonaut is a Terminal Disk Space Analyzer & Navigator for Linux. It is a simple terminal disk space navigator built using Rust and supports Linux and macOS....

How to Install the Latest Eclipse IDE on Linux

Introduction Eclipse is a free integrated development environment IDE used by programmers world-wide to write and develop Java applications mostly.However, Eclipse IDE can support a large variety of compilers and...

How to install Bashtop on Linux

Introduction Bashtop is a resource Monitoring Tool for Linux. It is a terminal-based resource monitoring utility in Linux. It’s a nifty command-line tool that intuitively displays...

How to Monitor Linux Server and Metrics from Browser using Scout Realtime

Introduction In this article we will show how to monitor your Linux system and some of its metrics by using a simple server monitoring tool...

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