Install WebVirtCloud KVM Management on CentOS 8

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WebVirtCloud the (virtualization web interface for admins and users).

So, WebVirtCloud is a virtualization web interface for admins and users.It can delegate Virtual Machine’s to users. A noVNC viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain. KVM is currently the only hypervisor supported.


  • QEMU/KVM Hypervisor Management
  • QEMU/KVM Instance Management – Create, Delete, Update
  • Hypervisor & Instance web based stats
  • Manage Multiple QEMU/KVM Hypervisor
  • Also Manage Hypervisor Datastore pools
  • Manage Hypervisor Networks
  • Instance Console Access with Browsers
  • Libvirt API based web management UI
  • User Based Authorization and Authentication
  • Also User can add SSH public key to root in Instance (Tested only Ubuntu)
  • In addition to, User can change root password in Instance (Tested only Ubuntu)
  • Supports cloud-init datasource interface


  • Update your system
dnf update -y
  • Install and configure KVM and KVM Management Tools on CentOS 8
dnf install @virt virt-top libvirt-devel libguestfs-tools -y
  • Start and enable KVM libvirtd service
systemctl start libvirtd && systemctl enable libvirtd
  • Download the installer script for webvirtCloud KVM Management
curl -o
  • Make the script executable
chmod +x
  • Then, Install WebVirtCloud KVM Management Dashboard by running the script.
  • Agree to configure fqdn for Nginx as shown below by typing y then Enter name of nginx fqdn
  • Also accept the NOVNC service and public port number and Listen address as shown
  • The packages installation is ready to be executed by the script
  •  The installation was successful, So you should copy the URL used below to access webvirtcloud web console.
  • Go to , the login screen will be showed as follows, So enter the default login credentials which are :

username: admin

Password: admin

  • Also you can Update your profile information, just go to admin>profile
  • This information such as your name, last name and your email address
  • Also you can change your login password from here.

NOTE: Now, we will add KVM Compute Hosts to Manage, but first we will generate ssh keys to access and connect these compute hosts

  • Generate ssh keys
sudo -u nginx ssh-keygen
  •  Disable StrictHostKeyChecking(Optional)
vim /var/lib/nginx/.ssh/config
  • Then add the following
Host * 
StrictHostKeyChecking no
  • Set an appropriate ownership of the SSH configuration file to nginx user
chown nginx -R /var/lib/nginx/.ssh/config
  •  Upload webvirtcloud public key into authorized keys on the compute node.

For local KVM node:

cat /var/lib/nginx/.ssh/ >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys

For remote KVM node:

sudo -u nginx ssh-copy-id root@exampleCompute1
  • On the WebVirt Cloud, go to Computes then choose SSH.
  • Choose SSH connection to add your KVM Nodes and input KVM node details as shown below.
  • If everything is Ok, the Status of the new node should show Connected


That’s it

We illustrated how to install and configure WebVirtCloud KVM and also we created a computes.

Thank you.

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