How to enable the EPEL repository in CentOS 9 Stream

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Hello, friends. Let’s go with a short post and dedicated to novice users. In this post, you will learn how to enable the EPEL repository in CentOS 9 Stream. Thanks to this repository, we will be able to install many more packages in this distribution.

What is EPEL repository?

So, Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) is a special interest group (SIG) of the Fedora Project that provides a set of additional packages for RHEL (and CentOS, and others) from the Fedora sources.

In other words, EPEL is a repository used to install third-party software packages on RedHat-based systems such as RHEL and CentOS. Thanks to this repository, we will be able to install packages that are not in the official repositories of RHEL-based distributions. In short, we will be able to extend the capacity of the system thanks to EPEL.

So if you are a dedicated CentOS 9 Stream user, it is normal that you have EPEL enabled. The process is simple, let’s go.

Enable EPEL repository in CentOS 9 Stream

To enable the EPEL repository on CentOS 9 Stream, we have to upgrade the server first.

sudo dnf update

Then, run these two commands

sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
sudo dnf install epel-release epel-next-release
1.- Enable EPEL Repository on CentOS 9 Stream
1.- Enable EPEL Repository on CentOS 9 Stream

This will start the process of downloading and enabling EPEL.

Then you can verify the changes

dnf repolist
2.- EPEL repository enabled
2.- EPEL repository enabled

And you should see EPEL in the list.

Enjoy it.


EPEL is a very complete repository that helps us to improve a lot the usability of the RHEL distro family by providing packages that are not in its repositories like snapd or htop. So now you know how to enable it and the process is simple.

Finally, read more post about CentOS 9 Stream

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I am Angelo. A systems engineer passionate about Linux and all open-source software. Although here I'm just another member of the family.


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