How to install Bitwarden Password Manager on Ubuntu 22.04

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Today you will learn How to install Bitwarden Password Manager on Ubuntu 22.04

Bitwarden is a free open-source password manager that allows us to store all of our login password/credentials and allows us to sync them between all of our devices. It is a cross-platform application and is available for all major Linux Distributions, Windows and MAC. It consists of many useful features which includes, Password Generator, 2Factor-Authentication, Unlimited Device Syncing, High Level Encryption, Browser Extensions which helps in auto filling our password and a digital wallet allows us not to store only password but personal information like Credit Card details etc.

Requirements :

  • 2GB or more RAM (Since it’s running on docker as well, Having more RAM is a pluspoint)
  • 2vCore or more CPU (The more the better performance)
  • 5-10GB of Disk Space
  • Ubuntu 22.04

Step 1 : Update your server

First step is to update your server and install newer packages and security releases for your distribution :

apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y

Step 2 : Installation Docker CE & Docker Compose

Bitwarden is deployed by using the Docker containers through Docker compose. Run the following commands to install it :

Install the required dependencies :

apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y

Add the GPG Key for Docker CE :

curl -fsSL | apt-key add

Add the Docker CE Repository :

add-apt-repository “deb [arch=amd64] jammy stable”

Install Docker CE :

apt-get install docker-ce -y

Using the following command install Docker Compose :

curl -sL “$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)” -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Give executable permission to the file :

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Verifiy the status of both Docker CE and Docker Compose :

systemctl status docker
docker-compose –version

Step 3 : Install Bitwarden

Now, We almost have everything needed to configure Bitwarden on our server, Run the following command to configure Bitwarden :

Create a user for Bitwarden :

useradd -G docker,sudo -s /bin/bash -m -d /opt/bitwarden bitwarden

Set a password for the user and change the ownership of the folder :

passwd bitwarden
chown -R bitwarden: /opt/bitwarden

Get the installation key from here :

Change to user bitwarden and download the installation script :

su – bitwarden
curl -Lso

chmod +x

Install Bitwarden using the following command :

sudo ./ install

Follow the configuration as shown in the picture :

bitwarden password manager

After that, You will be prompted to enter your Installation ID and Key :

After the installation just type to run the Bitwarden Service :

sudo ./ start

You will see something like this :

bitwarden password manager

After that, Open your browser and open page : https://serverip

You will be prompted to create a account :

bitwarden password manager

You can then login to your account :

bitwarden password manager

Conclusion :

You have installed Bitwarden Password Manager on your Ubuntu 22.04 Server. This tutorial at first assumes you are root!

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