How To configure TIG ( Telegraf + InfluxDB+Grafana) on centOS 8

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TIG stack is one of the most popular monitoring tools available.

This stack is used with different data sources avaialble on operating system(linux, window), with different databases(mongoDB,mysql,influxDB) to collect performance metrics and time metrics.

Telegraf agent which is responsible to collect and aggregate all data like cpu,memory, IO usage from systems.

Influx DB is used to store all data in database and pass it to grafana dashboard.

Grafana is modern Dashboard which collects all data from Influx DB and represent in graphically on dashboard.

1. Install Telegraf and InfluxDB

step 1. Add Influxdata RPM repository:

Telegraf is created and maintained by influxDB organisation, if we configured influx DB repository we can install both applications.

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/influxdb.repo
name = InfluxDB Repository – RHEL \$releasever
baseurl =\$releasever/\$basearch/stable
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey =

2. command to install and run telegraf service

$ sudo yum install telegraf
$ sudo systemctl start telegraf

more details about installation follow link

3. Install InfluxDB

$sudo yum install influxdb
$sudo systemctl start influxdb

after running command sudo systemctl status influxdb output look like this

service is active and in running state.

for more details follow link

4. Installing Grafana on CentOS 8

  • Add Grafana RPM repository to your system.
    • create new file grafana.repo using below command

Once you are able to add repositories, install grafana rpm package.

$ sudo yum install grafana
$ systemctl status grafana-server

for more details follow link

Setting up Telegraf configuration file

# Configuration for sending metrics to InfluxDB
urls = [
] # The target database for metrics; will be created as needed.
database = "influx"[[inputs.http]]
## One or more URLs from which to read formatted metrics
interval = "1m"
urls = [

] #HTTP method
method = "GET" timeout = "15s" data_format = "json"
name_override = "internal_app_metrics"
tag_keys = [
 [[inputs.http]] in this section we are just telling Telegraf to send a GET request every minute to added URL. we can define tags for the incoming data in telegraf. [[outputs.influxdb]]  this section to send the data it gets from the input plugins. In this case it will send the data to influxdb:8086 inside
a database called influx.

InfluxDB creation

login to influxDB and run below commands

Add InfluxDB Datasource in grafana

Login to grafana dashboard

go to configuration > datasource > select influxDB datasource from list

Add data source Name

Influx DB URL

select any Authentication type from list

Add Database name, influxdb username and password

test and save data source.

you are ready to access influx DB time series in grafana.

Grafana Dashboard

Download telegraf dashboard as per your requirement form grafana site or you can create our own dashboard.

resource link

download Json file of dashboard from site and import that Json file in your dashboard

After importing dashboard will look like as below:

there is no data shown in dashboard as telegraf has not collected any data from

system and not store in influxDB. it shows blank on grafana dashboard.

Once telegraf start collecting data it will automatically displayed on dashboard.

in this way we can integrate TIG(telegraf+influx+grafana) stack.

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