
How to Install Z-Shell (ZSH) and Oh-My-Zsh on Ubuntu 22.04

Hello, friends. Changing the Linux shell is effortless and helps to further customize the system where we work. Today, you will learn how to...

How To Install and Use Nu Shell on Linux

In this guide, we will illustrate how to install and use Nu shell on Linux. Introduction Nu shell is a new Linux shell, it aims at simplifying...

How to Change a Users Shell in Linux

Introduction In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the shell of a user in Linux. The shell is a program that accepts and...

How to Install OH-MY-ZSH in Ubuntu 21.04

Introduction OH-MY-ZSH is an open-source framework for managing ZSH configuration and is community-driven. It comes bundled with tons of helpful functions, plugins, helpers, themes, and a few things...

How to Install Mosh Shell as SSH Alternative on Linux

Introduction Mosh, which stands for Mobile Shell is a command-line application which is used for connecting to the server from a client computer, over the Internet. It...

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