Pacemaker with DRBD MariaDB Server

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There are many forms of high availability, replication, and resilience in the face of various types of failure. For example, you can make the MariaDB Server work in an active/passive setup, such that the passive node can recover persistent messages written to the disk on the active node should the active node fail.

While this is supported clustering is intended to facilitate scalability. Cluster if a node fails queues on the failed node are lost. However, with the high availability setup described in this tutorial. When a node fails, the durable persistent messages can be recovered by a different node.

Setup MariaDB Server to all nodes

Install MySQL using dnf

# dnf install mariadb-server -y

Setup and install pcs packages for MariaDB Server

Install required packages for HA to all nodes

# dnf install pacemaker pcs resource-agents -y

Set firewall rules to allow connection

Enable port for HA connection

# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7788/tcp
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
# firewall-cmd --reload

Setup authentication for all nodes

Follow commands below for reference

# pcs host auth node1 node2 node3 -u hacluster

Start the cluster

Start the cluster

# pcs cluster start --all

Enable cluster

# pcs cluster enable --all

Check status of the cluster

Disable stonith and quorum

# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore

Setup DRBD

All steps are in this DRBD tutorial.

Setup Cluster resources MariaDB Server

Commands below setup cluster resources

# pcs cluster cib fs_cfg
# pcs -f fs_cfg resource create mysqldrbd \ 
ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=drbd0 op monitor interval=30s
# pcs -f fs_cfg resource promotable mysqldrbd \ 
promoted-max=1 promoted-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true

Setup DRBD resource

This will create a resource cluster

# pcs resource update mysql_service ocf:heartbeat:mysql binary="/usr/bin/mysqld_safe" \ 
config="/etc/my.cnf" datadir="/var/lib/mysql" pid="/run/mariadb/" \ 
socket="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" additional_parameters="--bind-address=" \
op start timeout=60s op stop timeout=60s op monitor interval=20s timeout=30s

Test failover of the cluster MariaDB Server

Test cluster with the command below.

# pcs cluster standby node2

Status of cluster after failover MariaDB Server resource

Check if the node has been failed over


DRBD is the block-level synchronous replication by the kernel module. Data can adjust the synchronization level here. Because DRBD uses the network card for block replication, for transmission, data can effectively process high concurrency. This is a type of replication and storage. It is nothing more like a hot standby machine; rather than a storage HA, it is better to ensure data security. Read more about drbd linbit.

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