Install OpenProject on Debian 11

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Hello, friends. In this post, you will learn how to install OpenProject on Debian 11. Welcome.

What is OpenProject?

OpenProject is an open-source web tool for enterprise project management. So, OpenProject is aimed at Project Managers, Department Managers, Production Managers, Team Leaders, Analysts, and, in general, any professional user who needs to manage projects or to know their evolution.

Also, OpenProject can be installed on-premises in your own infrastructure, having full control and 100% data ownership. This makes it a very interesting application and many companies are increasingly using it as a working tool.

As expected in this type of application it has email notifications, a dashboard accessible from any modern browser, integration with wikis, version control, and so on.

So, let’s go for it.

Add the official repository of the application on Debian 11

Before we start, let’s be clear that in this post I’m going to use a Debian server with a fresh install. This is to avoid conflicts between packages.

Start by connecting to your Debian 11 server via SSH.

ssh user@server

For this post, we will use the root user. So if you have access to sudo use it

sudo -i

Now yes, update the whole system

apt update
apt upgrade

Now you have to install some previous packages so we can add the OpenProject repository correctly.

apt install gnupg2 wget apt-transport-https

Next, download the GPG key from the repository

wget -qO- | apt-key add -

After that, add the repository to the system.

wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openproject.list

Apply the changes by refreshing APT

apt update

Install OpenProject on Debian 11

With the repository configured on the system, we can continue with the whole process. Now we just need to run

apt-get install openproject

This will start the whole installation process. When the package is finished installing you will see an output screen similar to this one.

1.- OpenProject package installed
1.- OpenProject package installed

This indicates that the process was successful but it needs to be configured.

Configuring OpenProject on Debian 11

To configure OpenProject you need to run this command

openproject configure

You will see a screen like this.

2.- Set the OpenProject edition
2.- Set the OpenProject edition

In our post, just choose the first option that applies to OpenProject default.

In the next screen, you will be asked if you want to install a new PostgreSQL instance or reuse an existing one. So, this case, choose Install.

3.- Install PostgreSQL server for OpenProject
3.- Install PostgreSQL server for OpenProject

Next, install Apache as a web server.

4.- Installing Apache web server
4.- Installing Apache web server

Now choose the server prefix. In my case, I have left it blank but you can set a value like /openproject/ so the application is available on your-server/openproject.

5.- Web Server prefix
5.- Web Server prefix

You will be asked whether to enable SSL.

6.- Enabling SSL for the web server
6.- Enabling SSL for the web server

Then, if you want to install Subversion as version control. If you prefer Git, then give Skip because on the next screen you will be able to install it.

7.- You can choose between Subversion and Git
7.- You can choose between Subversion and Git

Now install Git.

8.- Install Git for OpenProject on Debian 11
8.- Install Git for OpenProject on Debian 11

And set the directory that will host the created repositories.

9.- Git repositories folder
9.- Git repositories folder

In the same way with the git http backend CGI

10.- Installing OpenProject on Debian 11
10.- Installing OpenProject on Debian 11

Then, the wizard will ask you where the emails originating the application will be sent from. In this case, I chose SendMail but you can use whatever you want.

11.- Email configurations
11.- Email configurations

Then, type the admin email.

12.- Email admin
12.- admin email

Finally, install Memcached.

13.- Install Memcached server
13.- Install Memcached server

Access to OpenProject on Debian 11

Now you have to open a web browser and view https://your-server/login remember that this address is determined by whether you enabled SSL and the path you set in the configuration.

When you open it you will see this screen where you must log in with admin and admin as username and password.

14.- OpenProject log in
14.- OpenProject log in

Upon logging in, you will be prompted to change the password.

15.- Change the current admin password
15.- Change the current admin password

When you do so, you will see the OpenProject screen and you can start using it.

16.- OpenProject on Debian 11
16.- OpenProject on Debian 11


In this post, you learned how to install OpenProject on Debian 11 using the official repositories of the application.

So, enjoy it.

Everything Linux, A.I, IT News, DataOps, Open Source and more delivered right to you.
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I am Angelo. A systems engineer passionate about Linux and all open-source software. Although here I'm just another member of the family.


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