How To Setup a Counter Strike: Global Offensive Server on CentOS 8

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Counter-Strikes first option is a feature called “Official Matchmaking.” This selects a Steam-owned server near you where you can play against players from all over the world. It can be entertaining because there are so many different enemy skill levels and play styles to choose from. You, on the other hand, have no influence over who joins the server or what rules and settings are in place. When you want to organise matches based on your preferences or host private games where you only play against your pals, this is an issue. The solution to this problem is to set up your own Counter-Strike: Global Offensive dedicated server. Apart from that, having your own location where you can relax and have fun is also a feasible business option.

With hundreds of thousands of active players, there are bound to be a few who want their own server, which you can either build for them and rent, or simply host their matches. As there is unlimited potential, you will definitely find other methods to monetize it.

In this article, I’ll show you how to setup a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server on Centos/RHEL based systems.


Before we begin, let’s double-check that the system is up to date. In addition, we’ll create a new server user. Always use a strong password. It is recommended to follow this guide using the root account. Otherwise, you will need to sudo the relevant commands.

# yum update
# yum upgrade -y
# adduser csgo
# passwd csgo

Open the necessary firewall ports.

# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=27015/tcp --permanent
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=27015/udp --permanent
# firewall-cmd –reload

To run SteamCMD, you’ll need to install the necessary libraries.

# yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686 -y

Switch to the new user you just created.

# su csgo
$ cd ~

Download the SteamCMD software.

$ wget
$ tar xf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

We must now use SteamCMD to install the server files. Use the following options

login anonymous
force_install_dir ./csgo
app_update 740 validate

Simply type quit and press enter when it says “Success! App ‘740’ fully installed“.

Your server is now ready for launch.

Configuring your server

The file server.cfg is used to customise the server.

$ vim ~/csgo/csgo/cfg/server.cfg

Copy and paste the following into server.cfg, replacing ServerName and RconPassword with your own values.

hostname "ServerName"
rcon_password RconPassword

Updating your server

To update your server, use the script below.

First, create the file update_csgo.txt.

$ vim /home/csgo/update_csgo.txt

Then fill it in with the following information:

login anonymous
force_install_dir ./csgo
app_update 740

All you have to do to upgrade your server is run the following command

$ ./ +runscript update_csgo.txt

Running your server

Run your server by going to the following folder.

$ cd /home/csgo/csgo/
$ screen -dmS csgo ./srcds_run -game csgo -console -port 27015 +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2 -autoupdate

The server has now been switched to background mode.

Run the following command to shut down the server:

$ screen -S  csgo -X quit

Have fun with your new CS:GO server!

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