Pentaho is a business intelligence software that provides data integration, OLAP services, reporting, information dashboards, data mining and extract, transform, load capabilities. Next I’ll show how to install Pentaho CE (Community Edition) on Centos 8.
You can get an installation guide for Pentaho CE on Ubuntu here: . Notice this guide is not for the server, and also a registration is needed.
You can download the Community Edition (CE) on sourceforge:
The big (1.3gb) zip file includes almost everything need to run the server. The only dependency is a JVM. On CentOS you just need to run:
yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
Install Pentaho CE server
To install Pentaho CE on Centos it’s as easy as run:
Pay attention at the file name, maybe you downloaded a newer version.
The second step is to change to the newly created folder and run the server:
cd pentaho-server ./
Just wait until the server starts.
How long? you can check the logs, all of them with this command:
tail -f /path/to/pentaho/unzipped/folder/tomcat/logs/*log
When you read “Server startup in [lots] milliseconds” you’ll know that is ready. It took me “only” 800 seconds because I have a slow computer.
You can also check if there is some process listening on port 8080 tcp with:
netstat -putan | grep -i listen
Try Pentaho CE
This is it. To install Pentaho CE on Centos 8 is as easy as appears to be. Now you can go with your web browser to http://[pentaho host]:8080/
The default username is admin and the default password is password.
Finally you can start the load of your data and creating transformations.
Last but not least, if you don’t know what to do now, you can continue here: