How To Install ArangoDB on RHEL & CentOS

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So In this article, we will show you to how to install ArangoDB on RHEL and CentOS.

ArangoDB is a free and open-source native multi-model database system developed by ArangoDB GmbH. The database system supports three data models (key/value, documents, graphs) with one database core and a unified query language AQL (ArangoDB Query Language). The query language is declarative and allows the combination of different data access patterns in a single query. ArangoDB is a NoSQL database system but AQL is similar in many ways to SQL.

Install ArangoDB

Follow the steps below to get started with ArangoDB installation:

  • First update your system packages
sudo dnf update -y && sudo dnf upgrade -y
  • Add the ArangoDB repository to your system by importing the GPG key with running the following commands:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
curl -OL
  • Use the following command to secure Arango with setting the password for the root user:


By running arango-secure-installation command on ArangoDB Server will remove all current database users but root.

  • Start the Arangodb then use its shell by running arangosh command:
systemctl start arangodb3

Also ArangoDB server comes with a built-in web interface for administration. We can manage databases, documents, users, graphs for databases, run queries, display the server stats through the Arango web interface.

  • You can configure it via the configuration file /etc/arangodb3/arangosh.conf
vim /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf

Replace the following line:

endpoint = tcp://

With this line:

endpoint = tcp://ip-address:8529

Save and exit

Restarts the ArangoDB

systemctl restart arangodb3
  • Open port 8529 in the firewall by running the commands below:
firewall-cmd --add-port=8529/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
  • Access ArangoDB web interface by opening your web browser then go to http://ip-address:8529 or http://localhost:8529 as shown below .
  • Login with Arango Database root credentials.
  • Click on Select-DB_system
  • You will be directed to the Dashboard of ArangoDB as shown below.


That’s it

We illustrated how to install ArangoDB on RHEL and CentOS.


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