InfluxDB Installation and configuration on centOS 8

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InfluxDB time series database is most powerful, open source and globally used by leading companies to store time series data.

If its installation cause problem due to normal user then may require root or administrator privileges to complete.


Installation can be done in different ways, by downloading RPM and by using yum package manager.

We will see, how to install using yum package manager:

  1. If yum repo is not available then first you need to create repo file in yum repository.
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/influxdb.repo
name = InfluxDB Repository - RHEL \$releasever
baseurl =\$releasever/\$basearch/stable
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey =

Once repo created. you need to run below commands:

>sudo yum install influxdb
>sudo systemctl start influxdb
Installation of InfluxDB
verifying of Db

If you run command below command then output looks like this.

sudo systemctl status influxdb

Service is active and in running state.

Services of influxdb

Run below command to login to influxdb:


version of db


Most of the configuration of influx DB is present in configuration file located at /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf.

It is default file you can create your own configuration file and user that one using below command.


influxd -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Set the environment variable INFLUXDB_CONFIG_PATH to the path of your configuration file and start the process.

For example:


The command influxd will check for config option first and then check environment variable for conf file location.

If you don’t have permission to data and WAL directories then influxdb service will not start.

Below are default directories present in influxdb.conf. You can change as per your requirement or keep it as default.

configuration directory
Retention Policy setting:
# Determines whether retention policy enforcement enabled.
   # enabled = true
This settings control the enforcement of retention policies to erase old data, uncomment it and apply retention policy.

HTTP endpoint setting

The [http] section settings controls, how InfluxDB configures the HTTP endpoints.

HTTP endpoint

Logging Setting:

In this section we can set logging level.

Logging into influxdb

We just need to uncomment required setting and restart influx DB server.

sudo systemctl restart influxdb

Add InfluxDB Datasource in grafana

Go to configuration > datasource > select influxDB datasource from list.

Add data source Name.

Influx DB URL.

Select any authentication type from list.

Add Database name, influxdb user and password.

Test and save data source.

You are ready to access influx DB time series in grafana.

Data Sources
InfluxDB Details

Please Check related Topics:

How to configure grafana on centOS 8

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