You can tune almost any setting, but this post concentrates on the few settings for which tuning benefits the most users. There are settings that we recommend you change only if you have a deep understanding of NGINX and Linux. So, you will know How get the best performance from the Nginx Server
HI Guys !, In this post we basically see the NGINX tuning using it’s configuration file which is situated at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
NGINX is well known as a high‑performance load balancer, cache, and web server, powering over 40% of the busiest websites in the world. For most use cases, default NGINX and Linux settings work well, but achieving optimal performance sometimes requires a bit of tuning. This blog post discusses some of the NGINX and Linux settings to consider when tuning a system.
Worker Processes
NGINX can run multiple worker processes, each capable of processing a large number of simultaneous connections. You can control the number of worker processes and how they handle connections with the following directives
The number of NGINX worker processes (the default is 1). In most cases, running one worker process per CPU core works well, and we recommend setting this directive to auto to achieve that. There are times when you may want to increase this number, such as when the worker processes have to do a lot of disk I/O.

The maximum number of connections that each worker process can handle simultaneously. The default is 512, but most systems have enough resources to support a larger number. The appropriate setting depends on the size of the server and the nature of the traffic, and can be discovered through testing.

Keepalive Connections
Keepalive Connections can have a major impact on performance by reducing the CPU and network overhead needed to open and close connections. NGINX terminates all client connections and creates separate and independent connections to the upstream servers. NGINX supports keepalives for both clients and upstream servers. The following directives relate to client keepalives:
The number of requests a client can make over a single keepalive connection. The default is 100, but a much higher value can be especially useful for testing with a load‑generation tool, which generally sends a large number of requests from a single client.

How long an idle keepalive connection remains open.
The following directive relates to upstream keepalives

The number of idle keepalive connections to an upstream server that remain open for each worker process. There is no default value.

To enable keepalive connections to upstream servers you must also include the following directives in the configuration:

Access Logging
Logging every request consumes both CPU and I/O cycles, and one way to reduce the impact is to enable access‑log buffering. With buffering, instead of performing a separate write operation for each log entry, NGINX buffers a series of entries and writes them to the file together in a single operation.
Log entries are also written when a worker process is reopening its log files or shutting down. To disable access logging completely, include the off parameter to the access_log directive.

The operating system’s sendfile() system call copies data from one file descriptor to another, often achieving zero‑copy, which can speed up TCP data transfers. To enable NGINX to use it, include the sendfile directive in the http context or a server or location context. NGINX can then write cached or on‑disk content down a socket without any context switching to user space, making the write extremely fast and consuming fewer CPU cycles. Note, however, that because data copied with sendfile() bypasses user space, it is not subject to the regular NGINX processing chain and filters that change content, such as gzip. When a configuration context includes both the sendfile directive and directives that activate a content‑changing filter, NGINX automatically disables sendfile for that context.

So, you already know How get the best performance from the Nginx Server