

Introduction Tail : is built in command on unix systems or unix-like operating systems Like : 386BSD.Arch Linux.AIX.Android.BSD NET/2.Debian.DragonFly BSD.GNU Hurd. Usage : used to display the...

How to Install Overlord on Linux

Introduction Overlord provides a python-based console CLI which used to build Red Teaming infrastructure in an automated way. The user has to provide inputs by...

How to install tmux on Linux

Introduction tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. Tmux...

Install Keepalived on CentOS 8

Keepalived is a system daemon that monitors services or systems continuously and achieve high availability in the event of failure. If one node is...

How to Install HA Proxy on CentOS 8

HA Proxy stands for High Availability Proxy written on C. It is a free and open source TCP/HTTP load balancer and proxy solution for...

Install Ruby on CentOS/RHEL 8 with 3 different methods

Introduction Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to...

How to Deploy VDO on a Disk | RedHat

Introduction: VDO : Short of Virtual Data Optimizer and is a block virtualization technology that provides Deduplication and compression of data at...

How to Install ELK Stack on CentOS 8

The ELK stack is a group of open-source software packages used to manage logs. It’s typically used for server logs but is also flexible...

Install Filebeat on CentOS 8

Filebeat is used to ship logs to logstash or Elastic search to filter and use them as per requirement. Whether you’re collecting from security...

Configure External RAID on Ubuntu/Centos/RedHat

Introduction RAID: Stands For Redundant Array Of Independent Disks (Hardware Raid) or  Redundant Array Of Inexpensive Disks (Software Raid) and that is technology that keeps...

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