
How to install Homebrew on Debian 11

Hello, my friends. In this post, you will learn how to install Homebrew on Debian 11. This alternative package manager is very useful to...

How to install DEB on RedHat/Centos & RPM on Debian/Ubuntu with Alien

Introduction There are packages in repositories and GitHub that are ready to use most of the time. But sometimes packages are not available in binaries...

RPM Commands

INTRODUCTION RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is an default open source and package management utility for Red Hat systems like (RHEL, CentOS and Fedora). The tool allows you install, update, uninstall, query, verify and manage system...

YUM commands

Introduction In this article, we will learn how to install, update, remove, find packages, manage packages and repositories on Linux systems using YUM (Yellowdog Updater...

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