
Partitioning using parted & fdisk commands

Introduction Creating disk partitions enables you to split your hard drive into multiple sections that act independently. In Linux, users must structure storage devices (USB and...


INTRODUCTION These are some of those critical programs for your computer. Without these, your computer will not know where to find any of the partitions...

History Command with Examples

History Command is used to view the previously executed command and it can also list it. This feature was not available in the...

RPM Commands

INTRODUCTION RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is an default open source and package management utility for Red Hat systems like (RHEL, CentOS and Fedora). The tool allows you install, update, uninstall, query, verify and manage system...

VIM Editor

Vim is an advanced and highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. Vim text editor is developed by Bram Moolenaar. It supports...

Input/Output Redirection in Linux/Unix

What is Redirection? Redirection is a feature in Linux such that when executing a command, you can change the standard input/output devices. The basic workflow...

Unix and Linux history

Unix, Linux, and variant history Introduction Once upon a time operating systems were complex and unwieldy. One day in the late 1960s,Ken Thompson,  Dennis Ritchie and a...

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