Hi guys, In this small article, we will show you how to list all installed rpm packages on CentOS and RHEL.
List all installed packages using RPM package manager:
RPM Package Manager (RPM) (originally Red Hat Package Manager, now a recursive acronym) is a free and open-sourcepackage management system. The name RPM refers to .rpmfile format and the package manager program itself. RPM was intended primarily for Linux distributions; the file format is the baseline package format of the Linux Standard Base.
- The command below will list of all installed packages on your Linux system.
rpm -qa
the flag q : query
the flag a : all

- Also you can list the latest installed package.
rpm -qa --last | head

using YUM package manager:
YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is an open-source command-line as well as graphical-based package management tool for RPM (RedHat Package Manager) based Linux systems.
- Use the yum command to list all installed packages on your system.
yum list installed

As shown above , the command includes the repository from which a package was installed
List all installed packages using YUM-UTILS:
Yum-utils is a collection of tools and programs for managing yum repositories, installing debug packages, source packages, extended information from repositories and administration.
- Install yum-utils with the commands below:
yum update
yum install yum-utils
- Then use repoquery command to list all installed packages on your system as shown below.
repoquery -a --installed

That’s it..Thanks