Slack is most popular collaboration software which brings all your communication together. You can create channels for your teams, projects, topics, or any other purpose. You can search through everything that’s been posted in channels or your messages. You can communicate as a group through channels or privately via “direct messaging. It is also allow channels members to share files, make audio videos calls etc. In this article you will learn the installation of Slack on Centos 8 / RHEL 8
Step 1: Install EPEL Repo
dnf install epel-release -y

Step 2: Install Slack
Download latest Slack version

Installing Slack
dnf localinstall slack-4.13.0-0.1.fc21.x86_64.rpm -y

Step 3: Running Slack
If you want to run slack from command link just execute below command.
slack --no-sandbox

You can also run slack from CentOS >> Activities >> and clicking on “Slack” icon.
Congratulations you learned how to install Slack on your CentOS 8 machine. Now yo can create slack accounts and enjoy your meetings.