How to install Hastebin on Ubuntu 21.04

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According to the GitHub:

HASTE is an open-source pastebin software written in nodeJS, which is easily installable in any network. It can be backed by either Redis or filesystem, and has a very easy adapter interface for other stores

Major design objectives:

Some important steps to get ready to install Hastebin

This way we can install a client that we can use in almost any system or server to have a particular instance ourselves, so you can implement it in personal projects or internal networks.

  • In addition to We will run the commands using the root user. So, open a terminal or via SSH and run
sudo -i
  • After typing the password, make sure to update the operating system
apt update && apt upgrade
  • After that, install the packages needed for the tutorial:
apt install software-properties-common git curl -y 
  • So Now we have to install NodeJS on Ubuntu 21.04 and for this you have to add the application repository.
curl -sL | bash -
  • And then, install NodeJS by running
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  • In addition to check the installed versions with the commands:
node --version
npm --version

Install Hastebin Server

  • SSH to your server as root.
  • Clone the haste-server repository from GitHub.
# git clone
  • Change to the haste-server directory and install all required packs.
# cd haste-server# npm install
  • Update the packages with npm.
# npm update
  • Hastebin defaults to port 7777. Please change it to HTTP port 80.Edit config.js 
# vim config.js
  • Change this line from 7777 to 80:“port”: “7777”, When finished, it should look like this: “port”: “80”, Save and exit the file.

Install PM2

PM2 is a process manager for Node.JS applications. PM2 monitors and restarts your application if it goes offline.

  • Install PM2.
# npm install pm2 -g
  • Start your Hastebin server.
# pm2 start server.js
  • So Save your PM2 configuration, and ask it to run at startup.
# pm2 save
# pm2 startup

Test the Hastebin Server

Navigate to your server’s IP address in a browser to load an empty page, ready for you to paste code.

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