How to install Diskonaut on Linux

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diskonaut is a Terminal Disk Space Analyzer & Navigator for Linux. It is a simple terminal disk space navigator built using Rust and supports Linux and macOS.


To use it, specify an absolute path in your file system, for example, /home/unixcop or run it in the directory of interest, it will scan the directory and maps it to memory enabling you to explore its contents. It allows you to inspect space usage even during the scanning process.

diskonaut allows you to delete files and directories and as a result, tracks the amount of space you have freed up in the process. It also supports keyboard shortcuts to ease navigation.

Installing diskonaut

you should have Rust programming language installed on your system, if not, install it using the following command.

# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Once your system has Rust installed, you should be having the cargo (the Rust package manager) installed as well. Use cargo to install diskonaut on the system as shown.

# cargo install diskonaut

After Installation you may need to restart your current shell. This would reload your PATH environment variable to include

You can either start diskonaut in the directory you want to scan, or specify the absolute path of the directory to scan as an argument.

# cd /etc
# diskonaut
# diskonaut /etc

As you see at the bottom end, you can see the available keyboard shortcuts to use with diskonaut.

Once the scan is complete, you can select a subdirectory, for example, vmware-tools.

Then press Enter to explore its contents.

Note: If you’re using Fedora, CentOS, and Arch Linux, you can install diskonaut latest prebuilt binary from the default repository as shown.

$ sudo dnf install diskonaut
$ yay diskonaut

Note: Visit diskonaut Github repository to get repository of diskonaut

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