Chef is open source, popular infrastructure as code management tool (IaC), it is used to administrate, manage, configuration and deployment of resources across network form one central location.
- download latest chef server using below command

2. RPM installation.
$ sudo rpm -Uvh chef-server-core-13.1.13-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

install chef-manager plugin
most popular chef plugin which provides web user interface that will allow to configure , manage user.organisation,cookbooks.
$ chef-server-ctl install chef-manage

3. chef reconfigure
once the chef package installed properly. we can use chef-server-ctl. we need to reconfigure chef to work together on chef cook books. it will take some time
$ chef-server-ctl reconfigure

after completing reconfiguration check status
$ sudo chef-server-ctl status

After reconfiguring chef we need to reconfigure chef-manage plugin
$ chef-manage-ctl reconfigure
check service list by using below command

4. Create chef user
run below command with parameter to create new chef user
$ sudo chef-server-ctl user-create manoj manoj suryawanshi [email protected] ‘p@Assw0rd’ –filename /home/centos/dbosack.pem
Here are the parameters we will use.
- Username: manoj
- First name: manoj
- Last name: suryawanshi
- Password: p@Assw0rd
- Filename: Location where the key is going to authenticate the user later on (e.g dbosack.pem)
5. Create Organisation and associate user
$ sudo chef-server-ctl org-create unixcop ‘UnixCop’ –association_user manoj –filename /home/centos/org-validator.pem
- Organization name: unixcop
- Full name: UnixCop
- User assigned: manoj
- Filename: /home/centos/org-validator.pem